This month's EtsyMetal blog carnival installment is a fun one! The topic for April is:
Most coveted tool. Why? How would you utilize it if you got it?
a robot.
that I can program to think just like me. Apparently, like the one pictured above - it will actually check on me if I should collapse and could even call 911. how handy! I could even put it in some of my clothes and an image of my face! awesome! I bet it could saw off sprues like a pro.
but since I honestly don't EVER see that happening any time in the near future... the other tool I've been dreaming about is a microscope for stone setting. I've never tried one, but I imagine it would be fantastic. I always thought my eyesight for stone setting was good. Until I used a macro lens to photograph! haha! It is amazing the tiny detail yours eyes don't pick up.
There is this one - I do love GRS...
And then there are these... which are a bit more feasible in terms of use, space and budget. so... I might actually get them! annnndddd.... they are dead sexy.
make sure to check out what everyone else is coveting!
Elizabeth Scott
Tosca Teran
Evelyn Markasky
Erin Austin
What's New!
6 days ago
I want the robot too!!!
Wow! That robot is incredible!
Great post.
OK, you win, a robot would be the best tool ever. Imagine all the time you'd save not worrying about who would be calling 911. Also, sexy factor is definitely a 10 on those binoculars. And I thought goggles were the end all be all in studio fashion.
Does that robot give massages? Then I definitely want it too.
hehe, glad to see i'm not the only one who'd love a robot that gives massages. i mean, seriously, how perfect would that be to have your studio assistant work on jewelry and then throughout the day come over and massage your neck and shoulders - and then go make lunch, or get a bandaid if you saw in to your finger, or call 911 if you blow yourself up! haha!
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