Thursday, July 8, 2010

Blog Carnival 07.08.10 - If you couldn't make jewelry, what would you do instead?

This month's EtsyMetal Blog Carnival topic is "If you couldn't make jewelry, what would you do instead?"

Its kind of funny that I came up with this topic and that now I'm thinking of all kinds of qualifications! Can I not make jewelry b/c there is something wrong with my hands, or b/c I've suddenly become allergic to metal or a freak accident and all the creativity was sucked out of me? Haha! So... I've decided I'll pick a few different things.... depending, you know, on what the reason is for not being able to make jewelry.

My first easy answer is painting. Its one thing that because I make jewelry, I don't really seem to have time or make time for it anymore. I really miss it. So if I had to get rid of all my jewelry tools/equipment and use my studio for something else, it would be painting!

Beyond that, I would be a yoga teacher! It IS one thing that I continue to make time for, so if I couldn't make jewelry or have a studio, I would teach yoga. Though at some point in the future, I'll probably be doing that as well as jewelry, so I'm not sure if that counts for a proper answer....

And then I have all these other ideas of things I would like to do. Combined with yoga, I've become extra fascinated with anatomy, health, and nutrition. And I really love plants - the idea of being an herbalist or botanist or some sort of scientist is really appealing.

I think I could go on and on if I had to think about alternate lives I could have led if jewelry weren't what I'm totally in to. But maybe that is too far off topic!

Make sure to check out all the other participants for this month's blog carnival:
Victoria - experimetal
Tomi - metal riot
Ann - hartleystudio
Brooke Medlin
Maria - fluxplay
stacey - wildflowerdesigns
Inbar Bareket

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Starting to get caught up!

Starting.... but not quite there yet. There are still lots of orders to fill, but after getting most of the batch all mailed out, I don't feel behind anymore. Depending on how much I get done this week, I just might start to feel ahead! wooohooo! Course, for me, I don't feel ahead unless I get orders mailed out two weeks early. Mailing something out on time seems to be late. I'm hoping I can let go of that feeling and realize that on time IS on time! I'd hoped to get some new designs made and listed soon, but it might be August before they're up! We'll see.

On the yoga front - I'm pleased to say I have successfully been able to do some aspect of my practice every day since the teacher training ended, whether its a busy day and all I did was a quick hatha practice, or a relaxing Sunday where all I did was meditate! My first practice class teaching session is coming up on Monday the 16th. I hope I'm ready by then! Luckily the 'students' are my fellow trainees. Great for feedback!