It is that time again for the Blog-o-sphere Think Tank! This month's topic is a fun one. And though I thought it would be easy... apparently it isn't! I'm one of those people who loves quotes. In college, I had different quotes pasted all around my room. It's hard to not love anything by Einstein. I mean, he was a genius after all!
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" just might be my favorite. I had this tshirt when I was in high school. Though I quit wearing it, I kept it b/c I loved it so much - it's in my studio for inspiration.
I also remember loving this one the first time I heard it:
"Your mind is like a parachute. It only works if it is open." - Anthony D'Angelo
And really they both relate to each other. Having an excellent imagination and an open mind go hand in hand!
Must post one from my dear Swami Satchidananda: "People often ask me, "What religion are you? You talk about the Bible, Koran, Torah. Are you a Hindu?" I say, I am not a Catholic, a Buddhist, or a Hindu, but an Undo. My religion is Undoism. We have done enough damage (with religious dogma). We have to stop doing any more and simply undo the damage we have already done."
Love. It.
And my favorite made up quote.... "Everyone has issues, some people just have more than others." catchy right?
Make sure to check out everyone else's favorite (or favourite) quotes!
Andes Cruz
Brad Severtson
Kathleen Krucoff
Wendy Kelly
Mary Spencer
Stephanie Clark
Barbara Donovan
Laura Flavin
Thomasin Durgin
Shaun Young
Kathryn Cole
Natsuko Hanks
Andrea Bell
Friday, May 20, 2011
Blog-o-sphere Think Tank - #4 - May Edition - Favorite Quote
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Jess and Erin

and then I made the two bands as well.

Saturday, May 14, 2011
EtsyMetal Blog Carnival 5.14.11 - Pages from a Sketchbook
So this is a funny and kind of ridiculous topic for me to write about. I just hardly ever use a sketchbook, and if I do a sketch is usually for a piece I am making right then. I suppose if I had times when I could just make something as opposed to having a list of commissions, I would try to sketch things out, write things down etc, to have them fresh and ready to go. Most of the pages in my current sketchbook are notes and tiny sketches from meeting w/ customers. It rarely happens in person, so I don't even have that many pages like these - but I thought it would at least bring another image in to this blog post!
and the rings as they turned out...
and I scanned two more pages - these were from over a year ago, but at some point will be a new wedding ring design. I thought they were particular fun b/c you can clearly see my doodle to idea fulfillment process. and on the one page you can see the sharpie bleed through from another sketch. clearly you can see how serious I am about my sketchbooks! haha!
Make sure to check out pages from everyone elses's sketchbooks! (or lack of sketchbook)
Rebecca Bogan
Shirlee Grund
kate jones
Erin Austin
Michele Grady
Elizabeth Scott
Su Trindle
Evelyn Markasky