still working on some new photos... not so sure about the gray anymore. I chatted w/ a friend about the gray paper and we were talking about how flat and hard it looked, which doesn't really go well w/ my work.
so i went searching for some gray fabric that might be nice. but i didn't really find any that i loved. this was the best of the okay.... i took a whole bunch of photos this morning b/c i wanted to get some new things listed in case anyone wants to buy a little something to win my gift certificate give away. but I have a feeling i will be rephotographing them all, at least for the thumbnail.
I'm not a fan of seeing the texture of threads/fibers in fabric. basically I want some sort of fabric where you don't see any texture, but that looks like a soft gray cloud. i like the white b/c it doesn't look like paper. Another gray fabric I found was a soft woven suede sort of stuff - but in a photograph it looked like fur! I think in some ways the macro lens works against me in that it really captures the texture of everything that is in focus. Good for the jewelry, bad for whatever backdrops I seem to be coming up with.
So I'll keep looking. If you know of something soft and gray without any texture, let me know! :) You can check out these earrings here.
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6 days ago
for the best photos I've seen with soft gray backgrounds - it seems that the photographers are using non glare glass, raised up an inch or so over the background material. So the background material is a nice soft matte, while the jewelry is in focus. I need to go out this week and buy some non glare glass.
What Kirsten said. I've heard that before too.
Also, you might want to check out the art paper section of your local Dick Blick store. I found some really cool background paper a while back, and they carry it in all kinds of colors/textures (oil papers, etc.).
thanks ladies - i think ashley uses that? i should try that and see...
try paint samples from the hardware store...I know Ralph Lauren has a nice textured paint that looks cool. I've used the colored samples of that kind, but I'm not sure if they have grey
thanks rachael! I actually ordered something I think might be perfect... we'll see... if not, i'll try the paint samples!
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