Just got back from voting! It took me a little over two hours. Of which I got some good reading in from this book Your Marketing Sucks. Which obviously is about marketing, what is bad about most marketing and what is good. It is encouraging and inspiring. A good read for standing in line!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Vote and Read
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
EtsyMetal CharmSwap #2
I had though about making a couple molds of 2 or 3 different dandelion charms, but in the end, decided to just make them all individually, so all 19 are different dandelion patterns. I don't know that I would have truly saved any time in making a mold of them!
I do love how they turned out - Victoria called them little candies. And they are so sweet! I'd like to make them a staple in my shop, just a sweet little pendant, when I get around to it that is....
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Newest Custom wedding bands
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tennis #4 Sophie's brass monkeys
This is Sophie's volley from this piece. I'm very excited that she used some gold and I think I know what my next piece will be! Hopefully it won't take me a month like it did last time! Here is Sophie's blog about it.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Asheville Gem Show/ EtsyMetal meet up
These are some of the beads I got and I am super excited about them. I have projects/ideas for all of them already. I also got some great cabs - you can see some on flickr - and of course, my main objective for going - Diamonds! I'm going to be expanding my natural and organic rings with more diamonds.
Not that I didn't have enough stones already, but I'm really excited about the things I got and hopefully will be using them ALL very soon!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
New Workbench - coming soon!!
I am so excited - for my birthday my sweetheart is going to help me build a proper workbench. I had planned on buying one - but there are some strange, uh... floor requirements that have to be worked around - and buying one would require altering - so building one from scrap with a lot of material we already have seemed to make much more sense. Today we've been working on some drawings, doing some measurements and figuring out the structural components. I'm VERY excited and can't wait til it is all done!
Several months ago I got a GRS Benchmate - but haven't been able to set it up b/c of the table I work at now... I guess I should have done the workbench first and THEN got the benchmate! ah, well, this is just making me get the workbench done.
Thank you to everyone for the birthday well wishes and the support of my birthday sale!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Birthday Sale!!
Today is the day!!!
All ready to ship items have free shipping - custom orders are excluded.
I got my sale all finished up - loads over items are on sale - some up to $40 off the original price! The sale runs today only and tomorrow, everything will be back to normal again.
Check out my shop here and sale section here.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Special Sale Tomorrow
What is it? Whats the sale? Why is it special?
Stay tuned for tomorrow and you will find out!
Victoria and Janos in the Corno Project
Victoria and Janos are two of my best EtsyMetal friends and a few flickr buddies were inspired by a piece Victoria made and had posted on flickr (how can you not be inspired by her??) This led to the Corno Project which was just featured in the Storque on Etsy! Congrats!!!! All the pieces are truly amazing - but I would expect nothing less.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Pile of bangles
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Wendy is a genius... and I can say she is my friend!
And this is her newest piece.

I am just in love w/ it. Our EtsyMetal challenge of the month is "moving parts" and/or "steel"
I am quite in love and it really doesn't need more than a photo for you to see why...
check out more lovely items in her shop and her blog.
Monday, October 13, 2008
tennis volley #2
It was in a way harder than I thought it would be - I wanted to do something that was inspired by - but still deviated enough that I felt like it was coming from my head, not hers! I have a feeling its only going to get harder!
here's the post from her last one
and the original.
Check out Sophie's shop for more amazing pieces and her blog too!
Friday, October 10, 2008
14k gold vine and leaf ring
This was a custom order, but I'm thinking of creating a listing and offering it as a custom item. In the sterling listing, it says that gold is available, but maybe I could more people to buy one if I had the listing in gold already... I want a whole bunch of these on all my fingers. they are so sweet and delicate...
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Diamond and Leaves
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tumbler Surpise
I've been really productive this week. Got waxes done Monday morning, invested and in the kiln, while working on more waxes, cast that night. Then invested Tues. morning, more in the kiln, more cast Tues. night - I've been working all day to finish up everything I cast and I am super super excited with what will be coming out of the tumbler this afternoon!! Most of them are custom pieces... well, actually, they are all custom pieces, one is a new design. Something similar to pieces I've done before, but am expanding on a little bit with some help from my lovely customer, Linnea. I think she is going to be super excited to see it all finished, as am I!
No photos yet, so I will just create some suspense!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Leaf and Diamond ring
Check out flickr for more photos and the shiny previous version.
Monday, October 6, 2008
palladium white gold dandelion wishes
I also did some dandelion key chains for them as well! That was super fun as I haven't made key chains in a long time. I used to make great 'scrap' key chains that were super fun and always different, but that was about 5 or 6 years ago and I haven't made any since!! You can check out more photos of these rings and the key chains on flickr.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Animation-happy - Making an easy animated gif in Photoshop/ImageReady
So I finally have the 'animation' process down. It is quite easy and loads of fun! I am by no means an expert, but its pretty simple. I should mention I am on a mac, so things might be different on a pc. Here's how I made mine:
1. Open up photoshop
2. Open images you want to use.
3. Crop all images the same size - add text if desired, then either flatten the image or 'merge visible' I like 'command E' (shortcuts are my friend)
4. I like to open a new blank canvas to paste them all in to, that way I can save it separate from all of the other images.
5. Copy and Paste each image to that one new canvas - You are creating a layer for each image, but since they are all the same size and opaque, you only see one image, basically just like stacking up pieces of paper, they're all there, but you can only see the top one. (Command A - select all, Command C - copy, click on new canvas, Command V - paste)
6. There is a nice little button in my version of photoshop that is at the bottom of the 'tools' bar "Edit in ImageReady" - it is also under 'File'
7. Image Ready opens up.
8. Make sure the animation window and layers window are both open. If not, go to 'window' and click to select them
9. This is where it started to get a little confusing for me, but once I did it a couple times, its really a cinch. One image, the top image, will appear in the animation window. Depending on how you layered the images and what image you want to have first will depend on the next step. It all has to do with the visibility (that little eye in the layers window). I usually layer mine so the first image ends up being #1 and at the bottom. So I deselect all of the visibility of the layers above it. Now I have the first image in the animation window.
10. To ad the second frame click the 'duplicate' icon in the animation window (should be right next to the trash can)
11. In the Layers window, click to make the second window visible. Now you should have two frames in your animation window with two different images. Continue to duplicate and adjust visibility based on what you want.
12. Once you have finished adding each frame, you need to adjust the time each frame will be visible. You will see a 0 sec under each frame, click the down arrow and change the time. For this animation I did 2 sec - you can experiment to what works best for you and by pressing the 'play' button can have a preview.
13. When you get the timing down, you're ready to save! Go to 'File' and 'Save Optimized As' and you are done!
There is obviously a lot more that you can do and honestly I don't know most of it! But that is the basic on how to make an animated ad! You can upload it to flickr or email simply as you would any other photo. When I first uploaded it to flickr, I thought it hadn't worked, but to view the animation you go to 'all sizes' and then the animation will work.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
fern love
I'll keep experimenting with them to see if I can get it down to a science. And I'll have to see if I can press some to store for winter! Not too long and my ferns won't be around again until spring! Maybe they will just have to be seasonal!